Образ @ lifetrestyle из/от 8 Июль, 2018 | 21 Buttons
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lifetrestyle What a lovely day out! My very first shoot day and I’m so glad I got to share it with @itsdaniejade. I’m calling this a belated celebration of my bloggerversary from last week. All I can say is I am so glad I decided to go for this, the people I’ve met and the experiences alone are enough, but it’s also the focus my blog gives me when it comes to self care. It’s easy to let yourself go, claiming focus on other people and things that are “more important”.... to use an analogy I picked up somewhere, when an airplane is going down, you’re told to put your own mask on first. Why? You need to make sure you stay alive so you can help others. To me this applies to life in general... look after and be your best self so you can offer that to others. 🌺😻


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