Образ @ kristinrosedavis из/от 21 Май, 2019 | 21 Buttons
483 просмотров
kristinrosedavis This caption has absolutely nothing to do with this outfit...but how is everyone feeling about Game of Thrones last night?!?! 🐉 Ps about my outfit...the skirt and shoes are both under $25 @sheinofficial. Get an extra 15% off with code: Kristin1 I can’t stop wearing these sneakers! I’m definitely getting another paid ASAP! Also get my tee 20% off @lalalovelyboutique with code: Kristin20 😘 http://liketk.it/2BMPO #liketkit @liketoknow.it #LTKspring #LTKunder50 #LTKshoecrush #ltlunder25 #utahblogger #goldengoosedupes #dupes #shein #sheinofficial #imwiththeband #bandtee #lalalovely #lalalovelyboutique #discountcode


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