Образ @ emilinalove из/от 2 Февраль, 2020 | 21 Buttons
2335 просмотров
emilinalove Imagine if we had 100 extra years to live. Just 100. That’s all.. not much to ask. We would be able to do so much more with our lives.. I honestly feel the older we get, the quicker time goes.. I would literally become a yoga teacher for a decade and live in Bali! What would you be doing? Have a decade in Japan and teach English.. I’ve been dreaming a lot today. Also @thestylecat you’re ace at taking pictures. • • • #grungergirltumblr #grungestyle #grungelifestyle #tumblrgrunge #grungelook #grungelookbook #lblogger #londonmusic #londonlook #tumblrgirl #redhair #gingerhair #hairgoals #editorial


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