Образ @ emilinalove из/от 26 Февраль, 2020 | 21 Buttons
31275 просмотров
emilinalove Mum wanted me in something other than black or red. So here it is.. 🍃 I think green is pretty cute with ging? However at the end of the day I was a shivering mess and drenched from walking home and now I’m ill in bed.. yay Wish I took a picture of how i ended up *noted for next time in order to make my feed more real haha* • • • #grunger #grungestyle #grungelifestyle #tumblrgrunge #grungelook #grungelookbook #lblogger #londonmusic #londonlook #tumblrgirl #redhair #gingerhair #hairgoals #vintagestyle #vintageclothing #gingerhair #orangehair #redhair #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #grungerock #grungerfeed #grungelife #grungeaesthetic


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