Образ @ bri.jackson из/от 14 Апрель, 2020 | 21 Buttons
12294 просмотров
bri.jackson Here’s a reminder that although the world feels kind of at a standstill, your dreams don’t have to be. 🌟🌟 you don’t have to press pause on the things you want, in fact now is the perfect time to go after them. You have the time to push yourself, to educate yourself, to get your ducks in a row. Do more with less! (Outfit from @limelush 😍 and use code BRI15 for 15% off!) • I’ve been behind on blogposts and I will be getting on out this week! What are you going to work on? 🌟🌟 (outfit from @limelush 🥰)


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